IMPORTANT FOREIGN DETAILS. FALSE NEWS FROM TIIE UNITED STATES The American War in thc House of Commons. Debate on the Notion to Recognize the Southern ConiedCracy.
The Motion to "Recognize" Finally 'Withdrawn.
The de-tails of the foreign news by the Aus-tralasian at Nev., York (an abstract of which we published yesterday) are highly interest-ing. The steamers Arabia, Bremen and Glas-gow had arrived out. ,(From the Liverpool Correspondent of the Associated Press.] False News front America. Much excitement was caused on Friday, the ISth, by telegrams frost' Queenstown to the eflect that priTate advices had reached there by the steamer Glasgow announcing that McClellan had proposed that his army, which was retreating to Fortress Monroe, should surrender upon conditions to the vic-torious Confederates, but that the Southern commanders had refused to grant any terms. It was added that McClellan himself had taken refuge on board the gunboat Galena',' and that sundry Federal generals and divi-sions had been captured by the Confederates, who had interposed part of their forces be-tween the Federal army and Fortress Mon-roe. Notwithstanding that this so-called news was false upon its very face—advices two days later than the Glis.:-.gow's having previously been received by the Jura—it ob-tained much credence and exerted considera-ble influence, particularly in Liverpool, where the Cotton market W3.3 for the mo-ment paralyzed, and American quoted )4d lower_ .