Prof M Judd
University of Nevada, Reno
Spring 2018 09M18
JC Langelle
Ballet of Death: Red Smoke at Tango 2--
Oct. 04, 2018
Oct. 04, 2018
The enemy has released a video of the recent firefight in Niger; below is an examination of the sequence of events according to the timestamp, done in Photoshop.
Opening sequence, center stage; two standing actors in uniform, another in white, crouched down.
[00:11] Actor in white exits stage right
[00:12] Footsteps of principal actor, note direction of shadow.
[00:15] unidentified blue object appears, actor continues to move.
[00:17] A number of actors appear moving downstage, in a hurry.
Note angle of (lighting) shadow.
[00:21] Second sequence begins with new set of actors
. One principal exits downstage right., others remain in scene downstage.
[00:29] Original set of actors, one crouched behind vehicle 001, vehicle 002 , white, beyond.
[00:36] Yet another actor at the white technical mounted weapon, wearing soft cover and either glasses or goggles. Doors of technical are open. Camera moves around and principal actor sets weapon on front seat, climbs into driver's seat. To front of technical, actor is crouched.
[00:43] Another actor is framed in the technical front passenger seat window, in full combat gear.
[00:45] Several actors of the troupe visible onstage: one crouched in front of passenger side windshield, one to his back, another standing in the passenger window, and another in the passenger rear view window. Behind him upstage left another is crouched. Technical begins to move, actors disappear.
[00:55] Technical stops, actor reappears in passenger window. Principal actor steps out of technical as second technical appears stage right, actors crouched behind it. Principal actor crouches down, holding barrel of weapon in right hand.
[01:02] Shadow of principal actor seen on ground as he crouches by driver door, another actor weapon shadow protrudes from rear of technical. Principal moves toward tailgate as another vehicle appears downstage left. Camera sweeps back to second technical where three actors are crouched on passenger side. Principal actor takes up position behind first technical, tailgate # 1539.
[01:06] Principal actor now appears to be behind the second technical, blue SUV type vehicle. It does not seem reasonable to assume that he covered the distance in 00:04 seconds, the video has a redacted segment here. Principal takes up position behind blue SUV, passenger side, and it begins to move.
[0:01:17:16] spent cartridge seen ejected from weapon. Appearance of white smoke at treeline downstage center.
[01:23:19] Blue SUV is on the move as second actor appears stage left. Red smoke appears downstage center between two trees. Engagement sporadic.
[01:33] More spent cartridges ejected from principal actor's weapon at position rear SUV, passenger side.
[01:47} SUV reaches red smoke, several cannisters have been popped. Second principal actor crouched and moving along, using SUV as cover. Principal actor takes up position on front hood, passenger side. Signals driver to move to passenger side.
[01:51] Principal signals driver to turn left away from red smoke, at least two distinct cannisters popped.
[02:04] Another break in the sequence as the principal appears not at the front hood, but at the passenger rear once again. Spent cartridges ejected from weapon. No indication of the status of the red smoke.
[02:10] passenger door open, actor face down on seats, legs protruding from SUV. Principal removes something from the front seat. The SUV is still moving forward as seen by the right rear hubcap in motion, principal actor may have been knocked down by the movement. Camera goes skyward and sun seen overhead, passenger door open, SUV in motion, possibly driverless. SUV now appears to reverse direction as principal regains footing.
The red smoke is gone from the stage.
[02:29] First casualty on ground downstage center. Principal actor inspects casualty.
[02:42] Driver of SUV exits passenger side, joins principal. Casualty inspected, there appears to be no entry wound. KIA actor dragged by driver to passenger side of SUV, there is no blood trail.
[03:21] another break in the sequence. driver crouched by KIA at passenger front of SUV. Driver and principal abandon position begin running.
[03:34] driver in front of principal, running, a vehicle appears stage right behind a tree.
[03:35] sequence again has a gap as running actor appears to right of principal and falling behind.
[03:38] driver appears stage left again, running. camera obscured, driver no longer visible, reappears running a few seconds later.
[03:47] principal raises weapon toward flank of running driver.
[04:03] principal is hit, falls to ground. camera shows blood spatters, glove extended from body, motionless.
[04:16] bursts of gunfire strikes principal.
[04:34] principal appears to be moved. more bursts of gunfire, dust kicks up immediate center.
[04:53] first enemy actor passes by principal, one large step
[04:58] principal appears to be on knees, possibly still alive at this point.
[05:05] second enemy actor enters above principal stage left, three steps to leave camera.
[05:11] third enemy actor enters, four steps, leaves camera.
[05:18] another burst of gunfire directly in front of camera.
[05:23] large puddle of blood forms to left of camera on ground.
For those in ANTHROPOLOGY 281, University of Nevada, Reno, who do not believe there is a "War on Terror"..
For those in ANTHROPOLOGY 281, University of Nevada, Reno, who do not believe there is a "War on Terror"..