Wednesday, April 4, 2018


History 101C.1001
Univ of Nevada, Reno
Professor CB Strang
Fall 2017

Primary Source Essay: Henry Clay Speech; Lexington, Kentucky  November 13, 1847

      Deception, invasion, occupation, unfettered military action by the Commander-in-Chief; does this sound like something out of the last decade? Hardly. It was the Mexican War  of 1846-1848. Although it was brief, casualties were staggering and war crimes allegations dominated the subsequent treaty that ended hostilities. Before it ended, but after General Winfield Scott captured Mexico City; Henry Clay, a Kentucky Whig who  lost to James K. Polk in the 1844 Presidential election, gave a speech in Lexington in 1847. The war developed over the annexation of
Texas into the Union along with a border dispute linked to the territory.
      In opening remarks of his speech, Clay denounced the war as illegal, precipitated by a false clause written into the preamble. However, in a letter addressed to the Senate delivered on May 11, 1846, the President states his case for war with Mexico. In it, Polk argued that the Mexican government had changed hands and adopted a military posture. Even as US naval forces were drawn back from Vera Cruz and the diplomat Slidell arrived and requested a meeting with the Foreign Minister, Mexico City refused to negotiate. Following this rebuttal, Polk ordered troops across the Rio Nueces, claiming that the border had been drawn beyond that and revenue had been agreed upon to be extracted from that district, with a revenue officer already appointed by Congress. It was this redeployment beyond the Rio Nueces that exacerbated the conflict when a dragoon patrol from the American camp along the Rio Bravo del Norte was ambushed and close to a dozen soldiers killed. (1)
      Inasmuch as the speech compares aggression to former empire seekers such as Alexander, Caesar and Napoleon, it is worth noting Clay’s assertion that Congress does not have the power to intervene and halt a war once it has been declared, leaving the President alone to determine its progress and conduct. Quoted from the speech text:
      “If it be contended that a war having been once commenced, the President of the United States may direct it to the accomplishment of any objects he pleases, without consulting and without regard to the will of Congress, the Convention will have utterly failed in guarding the nation against the abuses and ambition of a single individual.” (2)
      The United States would have to wait 126 years to see any kind of legislation that would address the authority of the President in the conduct of war. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 would only check the Commander-in-Chief’s authority in undeclared wars with various restrictions and requirements for the Executive Branch to be held liable to the Legislative Branch in the absence of consent by Congress to engage in hostilities against a foreign adversary. Henry Clay was perhaps the most visionary politician of his time to discover this flaw in the Constitution that allowed even the most altruistic leader the opportunity to become a despot. (3)
      Clay then turns his attention toward the possibility of the annexation of Mexico into the US empire, steadfastly arguing against such a proposal. He cites 100,000 troops that would have to be stationed in Mexico on a continuous basis to suppress rebellion; he notes the probability of a new political party, the Mexican vote, in Congress, that would undermine the interests of the nation to the north as a whole. He offers the conflict that would be created by the Catholic nation below the Rio Grande being ruled by the Protestant nation to the north and finally, the rejection of slavery into Mexico. The issue of slavery is examined in detail in the speech and not just from the interests of the plantation owners. Clay indirectly refutes the abolitionist demand for immediate emancipation, claiming the slaves were too ignorant and disorganized to contribute to the society. In addition, the fact that slaves were, if not dominant numerically in some states, they would be a significant force to be reckoned with if they were given the vote.
      All of this he rationalized into the calculus of annexation of Mexico and in the end, Clay introduces resolutions that he believed would prevent the United States from entering into costly wars, both in the lives of soldiers and the national debt. Looking back on this incredibly visionary speech, one can only become speechless himself that most of what Henry Clay warned against and proposed has fallen on deaf ears.

(1) The Congressional Globe, 1846.
(2) Speech of Henry Clay, Lexington Mass Meeting, 1847
(3) War Powers Resolution 1973

JC Langelle    Grade Received : "A"


NATIONAL GUARD-- Coastline Blockade from Fort Jackson--WAR DECLARED ON MEXICO..


(The Cantina)---Dispatch just arrived from our correspondent south of the border--

(Translated from the rough copy---

We are indebted to Capt. Turpin of the Pey-tona for the following memoranda taken from the manifest of the steamship Alabama, ;which arrived at New Orleans on Monday evening last, (about an hour before the Poytona's depar-ture)) in 2G hours from Galveston. Further advices will be looked for with great interest. "Off Bar of South West Pass, spoke the U. S. Steamer Col. Hartley, direct from Brasos Santiago, bound for this port. The Col. H., reports that WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED BY MEXICO AGAINST THE UNITED STATES, AND THE WHOLE OF THE MEXICAN COAST WAS NOW UNDER BLOCKADE FROM FORT JACKSON. P. S. The Col. II., will be up to the city to night."
Louisville Daily Courier 27 April 1846

Sunday, April 1, 2018

FRENCH 112.1005-- Jeux de Role #010--"TRÈS BIEN POUR TESLA"


JEU 010- "  Très Bien pour Tesla."

CELESTE and SHANNON are at the car dealers and are going to buy a new car, they are greeted by SALES:

SALES: Bon après-midi, comment allez-vous aujourd'hui?
(Good afternoon, how are you today?)

CELESTE: Très bien merci.  (Very well thank you.)

SHANNON: Très bon Monsieur, nous sommes ici pour acheter une voiture. (Very good, Mister, we are here to buy a car.)

SALES: Bon, quel genre de voiture? (Good, what kind of car?)

CELESTE: Je veux une Subaru pour mon chien. (I want a Subaru for my dog.)

SHANNON: Non, une Toyota pour mon grand-père à l'hôpital VA.  (No, a Toyota for my grandfather to the VA hospital.)

CELESTE: Votre grand-père peut prendre le bus.  (Your grandfather can take the bus)

SHANNON: Je ne veux pas de chiens dans la voiture. (I don't want dogs in the car.)

CELESTE: Je ne veux pas de grands-pères dans la voiture. (I don't want grandpas in the car.)

SHANNON: Nous achetons un Toyota. (We are buying a Toyota.)

CELESTE: Non, nous achetons une Subaru. (No,  we are buying a Subaru.)

SALES: Je pense avoir une réponse. (i think i have an answer.)

SHANNON:   Qu'est-ce que c'est?  (What is that?)

SALES: Tesla a une nouvelle voiture. (Tesla has a new car.)


SALES: C'est vrai. (That is true.)

SHANNON ET CELESTE: Quelle voiture est-ce? (What car is it?)

SALES: C'est un Subayota. (It is  a Subayota.)

SHANNON: Subayota?

CELESTE: Qu'est-ce qu'un Subayota? (What is a Subayota?)

SALES:  C'est une Subaru pour chiens, (It is a Suburu for dogs,)

SHANNON: Pour ses chiens? (For her dogs?)

SALES: Oui, et un Toyota pour son grand-père. (Yes, and a Toyota for her grandfather.)

SALES mobile phone rings, he begins a conversation over the mobile phone.

SALES: Excusez-moi pour une minute s'il vous plaît. (Excuse me for a minute please.)

SALES: (into mobile phone) Bonjour? (pause) Oh, bonjour ma fille. (Pause) Quoi, tu veux de l'argent? (Hello? (pause) Oh Hello, my daughter. (pause) What, you want money.)

While SALES talks on phone, CELESTE and SHANNON have a discussion of their own, so that everybody is talking at once.

CELESTE: Votre grand-père peut prendre un bus pour l'hôpital VA. (Your grandfather can take a bus to the VA hospital.)

CELESTE: Votre chien perd les cheveux dans la voiture. (Your dog loses hair in the car.)

SALES: Je suis désolé ma fille je n'ai pas d'argent aujourd'hui. (I am sorry my daughter i have no money today.)

SHANNON:  Tesla est bon. (Tesla is good.)

CELESTE: Très bien pour Tesla. (Very well for Tesla.)

SALES: (into phone)  Peut-être que demain j'ai de l'argent. Au revoir. (Maybe tomorrow i have money. Goodbye.)

SALES: Avez-vous d'accord? (Have you agreed?)

CELESTE: Oui, nous allons acheter un Subayota. (Yes, we will buy a Subayota.)

SALES: Très bien, voulez-vous voir la voiture? (Very good, do you want to see the car?)

SHANNON:  Oui s'il vous plaît. (Yes, please)

SALES: Très bien, c'est à côté. (Very good, it is next door.)

SHANNON: Bon pour Tesla. (Good for Tesla.)

CELESTE:  Je préfère Tesla Subayota. (I prefer Tesla Subayota.)

SHANNON:  Oui. (yes.)

SALES: Très bien, j'ai de l'argent pour ma fille. (very good, i have money for my daughter.)

SALES: Merci, nous avons fini. (Thank you, we have finished.)


Checkpoint Charlie: NATO, Article 5 and the Berlin Wall

There was no North American Treaty Organization, NATO, immediately following the close of World War Two. By the close of the decade, due to pressure from the Soviet Union, particularly in Germany, the alliance was formed with 12 initial members. The concept of “collective security” had been around for over 30 years, at least on the Continent, with respect to the World War One League of Nations; neither the United States nor the Soviet Union were members. (09 March 2025)
Red Flag: The U.S.-Japan Security Pact of 1960
The recent statement by the White House concerning a “bilateral” treaty between the United States and Japan from 1960 raised the issue of the former’s lack of a security-military commitment, with the latter doing the heavy lifting. It comes as no surprise in light of other treaties such as NATO in Europe with the U.S. again carrying The Weight.
Part and parcel to how it all unfolded had to do with certain ambiguous positions by the two nations coupled with the American public not totally informed of the agreement. The situation was quite different in Japan. (09 March 2025)


Ukraine: The Art of the (Peace) Deal
Nations are big on treaties, enforcing them is another matter. This paper traces some of the more recent, failed and otherwise, then takes a close look at one of the most controversial in history, The Versailles Treaty at the end of World War One. (09 March 2025)

Ukraine and The Rubio Doctrine The purpose of this report is to test the secretary’s three core principles against the Ukraine conflict to see if they are viable and would have been if he became president in the 2015 election. (09 March 2025)

Ukraine Betrayed: American Robber Barons to Steal Rare Minerals
Ukraine possesses significant reserves of rare earth minerals and other critical raw materials that are essential for modern technology and industry. According to reports, Ukraine has deposits of 22 out of 34 minerals identified as critical by the European Union. (09 March 2025)


Space Station Freedom 1993: The “Fiscal Black Hole"

Space Station Freedom was a NASA-led initiative proposed in the 1980s aimed at creating a permanently crewed space station in low Earth orbit. The project was initially announced by President Ronald Reagan in his 1984 State of the Union Address, highlighting its potential as a platform for scientific research and international collaboration in space exploration. (09 March 2025)