Saturday, March 21, 2020



     (The Lab)--According to a 2008 story by Dorsey Griffith in the Sacramento Bee, a 1900 page report by the state Department of Public Health relates to a bioterror attack or influenza pandemic and is a stark lesson in survival of the fittest.

Some of the guidelines include;
     "...state statutes and regulations that govern hospitals and health care operations can be flexed or suspended by the governor during a surge. Alternate care sites, including  school gymnasiums, sports venues and parking lots, can be used to care for ill and injured patients. Scarce medical supplies such as ventilators will be rationed under a system in which those patients who have a critical need for treatment and are likely to survive will be treated before those who are sick or critically injured and less likely to survive." (Bee)

A chart that accompanied the Bee story showed stats on various  survival items stockpiled by the state. Included were 50.9 million N-95 respirator masks purchased for just under $20 million from 3M and Kimberly Clark and stored  in "various state warehouses." Other items were also purchased and listed as stored in "undisclosed warehouses." Obviously, the state wants to keep it a big secret that it's hoarding hard to find items like N-95 masks.
     Among other things, according to the Griffith story;
     "The plan lists....which responsibilities and patient protections can be waived if the governor declares a state of emergency. Hospitals will not have to report births, deaths, infectious disease outbreaks, medication errors and suspected child or elder abuse." (Bee)
     The grim assessment indicates just what the state government can do in the case of a pandemic, under the guidelines of a disaster or bioterror attack.

Survive, Sacramento Bee, 02 March 2008, Page 10


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

EOC: PSYOPS--Foreign Correspondent Namebase--TIMES, WAPO & WSJ BOOTED FROM CHINA


     (Ho Chi Minh City)--Between the latest fuss over "stigmatization" of the outbreak as the "Chinese virus," and expulsion of biased Yankee journalists from Beijing, there is little rest in the media of late. Cissy Zhou of the South China Morning Post reports on the boot for the reporters;
     "The Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday that it was revoking the press credentials for American journalists from three newspapers, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post, requiring them to return their media passes within 10 days and essentially expelling them from the country.
Beijing also declared five US media outlets – Voice of America, The Times, The Journal, The Post and Time magazine – to be foreign government functionaries, identifying them as  agencies controlled by Washington." (SCMP)

Just who are the government lackeys for the media in question?  WaPo, NY Times and WSJ shows who's who either in Beijing or at-large;

Washington Post, China

Anna Fifield, Beijing Bureau Chief
Gerry Shih, China Correspondent
Shibani Mahtani, Hong Kong

New York Times

     Javier C. Hernández is a China correspondent for The New York Times based in Beijing. Since joining The Times in 2008, he has covered education, financial markets and New York City politics.

     Amy Qin is a China correspondent for The New York Times in Beijing covering the intersection of culture, politics and society. She has written about China’s soft power efforts, Asia’s booming art market, independent filmmakers in the Philippines and a mysterious North Korean-backed art museum in Cambodia.

Wall St Journal
Deputy Bureau Chief Josh Chin, reporter Chao Deng, and reporter Philip Wen were given five days to leave China by the Foreign Ministry. (SCMP)

     As for the "stigma," over the name of the virus,

China opposes U.S. stigmatization by calling coronavirus "Chinese virus"

BEIJING, March 17 (Xinhua) -- China is strongly indignant at and firmly opposes U.S. stigmatization by calling the novel coronavirus "Chinese virus", and urges the United States to correct its mistakes and stop making groundless accusations against China, according to a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Tuesday.


NY Times,
NY Times,


Monday, March 16, 2020

EOC: PSYOPS--US State Dept. Official @ Wuhan Virology Inst.--& JAPAN, FRENCH OFFICIALS IN THE LAB


     (The Lab)--With respect to recent conspiracy allegations by People's Republic regarding "Patient Zero" in Wuhan, it is necessary to discover just who staffed the consulate in the city for the USA.

China, pushing conspiracy theory, accuses US Army of bringing coronavirus to Wuhan

A spokesman for the Chinese government on Thursday promoted a conspiracy theory that the coronavirus was brought to the city of Wuhan by the U.S. military. "It might be US Army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan," said Zhao Lijian, a Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman, Business Insider reported.

Following data available as to namebase of principal State Dept. officers at the Wuhan consulate from "Key Officers" State Dept...

WUHAN (CG) 47F New World Intl Trade Tower I, No.568 Jianshe Ave, Hankou, Wuhan 430022, 86-27-8555-7791, Fax 86-27-85557761,

FCS Henley Jones
MGT Christopher Green
POL/ECON Charles Montgomery
CG B. Jamison Fouss
CON Sarah Nelson
PAO Michael Dubray
GSO Damian Richard
RSO David Nicholas
CLO Xenia Jones
ISO Scott Tolsma

     Of particular interest on the list of current officers is CGB Jamison Fouss, who, in March, 2018, visited the Wuhan Institute of Virology. That particular lab was tagged by conspiracy theorists as the origin of the deadly coronavirus strain.

The U.S. Counselor visited Wuhan Institute of Virology, CAS----Wuhan Institute of Virology

Wuhan Institute of Virology mission targeting for population health, agriculture and sustainable development strategies and public safety needs of the country, relying on high-level biosafety laboratory cluster platform, focusing on virology, Agricultural and Environmental Microbiology and emerging biotechnology basic and applied basic research and other aspects.

     "On March 27th, Mr. Rick Switzer, Counselor of Environment, Science, Technology and Health Section of Embassy of the United States in China, accompanied by the U.S. Consul General in Wuhan, Mr. Jamison Fouss, visited Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Prof. Yanyi WANG, the Deputy Director General of the WIV, met with the U.S. delegation. Prof. Zhengli SHI, Director of Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases and Deputy Director of Wuhan P4 Laboratory, and Prof. Zhihong HU, Director of Center for Bacteria and Virus Resources and Application, participated the meeting." (WHIOV)

    The Virology lab website also has a series of press releases of other state official visits from France and Japan. Photos show the visitors in regular street clothes. If the lab was involved with experimentation of the deadly strain and contamination, it would explain possible "Patient Zero" effect.

Also located at the building: ref to Staff Directory for China:
It is unclear just who was evacuated at the original alert but consulate staff above most likely. Their backgrounds need be examined for any connection to US Army bioweapons history.

Wuhan, Key Officers,
Counselor visit,
Wuhan lab visitors,


EOC: MARINETRAFFICREP---Grand Princess "Germboat" Anchored in the Bay--OUT OF OAKLAND

The massive ship will move to a mooring site in the Bay where it will remain under a 14-day quarantine. At least six foreign passengers were reportedly still onboard as were more than 300 crew members

Coronavirus Update: Grand Princess Leaves Port Of Oakland; Will Moor In San Francisco Bay

CBS SF Bay Area 7 hrs ago Syndicated Local - CBS San Francisco OAKLAND (CBS SF) - After nearly a week of being moored at a secure dockside in the Port of Oakland, the Grand Princess slowly made its way into the San Francisco Bay Monday morning.

EOC: PSYOPS ALERT---Beef of the Billionaires---AFTER ACTION 001

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) said Sunday that a White House staffer called and "yelled" at him over the weekend after he criticized the federal government in a Saturday tweet for crowds at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport.

Illinois gov says White House staffer 'yelled' at him over tweet blasting federal response to airport crowds

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) said Sunday that a White House staffer called and "yelled" at him over the weekend after he criticized the federal government in a Saturday tweet for crowds at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. Pritzker called for the government to increase U.S.

Cuomo and Trump trade barbs over fed response to coronavirus

Tensions over the federal government's response to the coronavirus spilled onto social media Monday as President Trump and Gov. Andrew Cuomo exchanged a series of searing tweets over New York's request for assistance. "Just had a very good tele-conference with Nation's Governors. Went very well.



     (The Scullery)--Now we are beginning to see the government come unglued completely with the latest proposal from Senator Mitt (R-UT).

Romney proposes giving $1K to every US adult amid coronavirus

Romney outlined a handful of proposals on Monday, saying that while the Senate should take up the House-passed coronavirus package, Congress needs to start working on additional steps.

.. These civilians need some serious training in panic management when the enemy overruns their position,

PSYOPS ALERT--National Virus Lockdown Hoax--ATTN S-2 INTEL/DIV


      (Sierra-Two)--Be advised there are efforts by foreign interlopers to create panic in the civilian population by circulation of false and misleading rumors regarding the status of responsibility in  ref to the ongoing expanding health emergency:

     "On Sunday, the National Security Council tweeted that “Text message rumors of a national #quarantine are FAKE. There is no national lockdown.” The NSC encouraged Americans to follow official government guidance."  (KTLA)

U.S. officials allege foreign entity is spreading misinformation to stoke COVID-19 fears

The Trump administration is alleging that a foreign disinformation campaign is underway aimed at spreading fear in the country amid the coronavirus pandemic, three U.S. officials said Monday. On Sunday, federal officials began confronting what they said was a deliberate effort by a foreign entity to sow fears of a nationwide quarantine amid the virus outbreak.

     "The three U.S. officials did not name the foreign entity they believe to be responsible. They spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.."  (SF Gate)

Any time the article reads "condition of anonymity," one can suspect the entire story has  dubious credibility...

Image Source

SF Gate article,




     “We are aware of a cyber incident related to the Health and Human Services computer networks, and the federal government is investigating this incident thoroughly,” John Ullyot, a spokesman for the National Security Council, said in a statement. “HHS and federal government cybersecurity professionals are continuously monitoring and taking appropriate actions to secure our federal networks.”

Cyber-Attack Hits U.S. Health Agency Amid Covid-19 Outbreak

Bloomberg 3 hrs ago Shira Stein and Jennifer Jacobs Slideshow by photo services The U.S. Health and Human Services Department suffered a cyber-attack on its computer system, part of what people familiar with the incident called a campaign of disruption and disinformation that was aimed at undermining the response to the coronavirus pandemic and may have been the work of a foreign actor.

     “On Sunday, we became aware of a significant increase in activity on HHS cyber infrastructure and are fully operational as we actively investigate the matter,” said the spokeswoman, Caitlin Oakley. “We are coordinating with federal law enforcement and remain vigilant and focused on ensuring the integrity of our IT infrastructure.”

The attack had automated bots attempt to overwhelm the department's public system in order to slow or completely shut it down. The overload included millions of hits over several hours. The attempts to significantly slow down the systems were not successful, and officials indicated they were pleased that they were mostly able to fend off the attack. A foreign actor is suspected and analysts are attempting to determine the origin of the cyberattack   (US News)



H.R.6201--Families First Coronavirus Response Act--MASSIVE WELFARE ENTITLEMENT PACKAGE

H.R.6201--Families First Coronavirus Response Act--MASSIVE WELFARE ENTITLEMENT PACKAGE

IMMEDIATE//FBCCMDMSG//ATTN CD@TACNET//VIAJCL////OP.CONTAINMENT//URGENT "...yet-to-be-proven preventive measures and government spending..". (The Scullery)-- Under such auspicious titles as "Nutrition Waivers," "Worker Protection," "Emergency Paid Leave" and others, HR 6201 has little or nothing to do with COVID-19 containment. The entire bill is government spending related to entitlements for those affected in one way or another by the outbreak of the virus, whether they are directly infected or not.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

FED--Qualitative vs Quantitative--LIBERALISM AS A FIRST RESORT


      (Den@UNR)-- Walking a tightrope on an externally stimulated crisis, the administration finds itself following  the liberals into debtors prison. Unprecedented in many aspects, an ongoing pandemic paranoia has spooked the markets so badly, the Federal Reserve has been forced to use all of its ammo today rather than wait it out, as anybody with backbone would have done. There has always been the opinion among the wealthy that if you keep throwing cash at something, it will eventually solve the problem.
     Helicopter Money--"Nobel laureate economist Milton Friedman first proposed the idea almost 50 years ago. It is close to-but not quite the same-as quantitative easing, the method central banks such as the U.S. Federal Reserve, Bank of Japan, Bank of England, and ECB have used since the financial crisis of 2007-2009." (Marysville Journal-Tribune)
     It would, of course, be a last resort following failed efforts  of qualitative-quantitative easing, that have been proposed and combined with bottoming out interest rates by the Fed today. It appears that under fire, the Fed acts as it always does, flood the market with cash, buy up bonds that nobody wants, and reverse course on the economic cruise ship of conservative policy, high interest and no spending. It doesn't work. The Fed chairman just wants to appease the boss just before the election who's been touting the strong economy, low unemployment and middle-class strength as the foundation of his administration.
     Was the economy doomed to collapse somewhere down the line? Certainly, it usually does when speculation becomes rampant on Wall Street. Currently, the Dow Jones average is above 24,000, teetering on disaster, bloated, beyond the reach completely of the small investor. It's just that no one expected it to come under pressure from a worldwide health crisis, which in many ways had always had the possibility to bring it down.  The steps to save the market, however, are always the same; lower interest rates and buy bonds. But now the rates have bottomed out and there's nowhere else to go, the market will have to sell off, and what a relief it will be.
     Right now, some of the highest stocks could drop to half their value and the effect might be immediately felt but the long term effects would be to make Wall Street conservative and cautious again. The disease on The Street isn't some virus forcing the old folks to stay home and nobody allowed to travel to Europe, the disease is blind speculation. Blind because it depends on the Reserve to bail it out every time it gets sick, every time a worthless stock becomes hot because of a Twitter hashtag or a White House announcement.
    Under that veil of conservatism by the government, is the desperation of liberalism every time  something threatens the economy, a conspiracy between the administration and investors to turn to free spending to prop up a failed policy. The market has been doomed to crash for years, it took a virus to bring out the weak underside of investor greed, of profit over safety, of carelessness over caution.

What do the Fed's latest moves mean for U.S. consumers?

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Reserve unleashed new emergency measures on Sunday night to limit the economic harm from the coronavirus, including making it easier for banks to get money and slashing its benchmark borrowing rate to near zero. In a move reminiscent of the extraordinary

     The Reuters article above by Marte and Timmons states;
     "the Fed will flood the financial system with cash to ensure markets keep functioning and banks have the scope to keep credit flowing to businesses and consumers during the growing number of shutdowns prompted by the outbreak" (Reuters)
     The argument is flawed. There is no guarantee the banks will send the money down to the consumer, the banks can find a safer way to make a profit off the money, back to speculating on the market. If the economy caves totally, the government will again bail out the banks and nothing will have changed.
     Will the market collapse entirely? Depending on investors coming to their senses and the Fed holding its ground and not giving in to the White House incessant pressure for keeping the germ-infested cruise ship of the rich afloat, it might stabilize, but don't count on it. So long as the only course of action the ship can take in financial crisis is liberalism, then it will have no safe harbor to dock.

Late Entry>

Cash will be freed up into the economy by a major selloff, not by giving money to the banks. If the current status quo of institutional investors don't have the nerve to engineer a major correction, then individual investors will have to do it without them.

Helicopter Money, Marysville (OH) Journal-Tribune, 26 March 2016, Page 7.
Helicopter Money image--
The Fed,



Checkpoint Charlie: NATO, Article 5 and the Berlin Wall

There was no North American Treaty Organization, NATO, immediately following the close of World War Two. By the close of the decade, due to pressure from the Soviet Union, particularly in Germany, the alliance was formed with 12 initial members. The concept of “collective security” had been around for over 30 years, at least on the Continent, with respect to the World War One League of Nations; neither the United States nor the Soviet Union were members. (09 March 2025)
Red Flag: The U.S.-Japan Security Pact of 1960
The recent statement by the White House concerning a “bilateral” treaty between the United States and Japan from 1960 raised the issue of the former’s lack of a security-military commitment, with the latter doing the heavy lifting. It comes as no surprise in light of other treaties such as NATO in Europe with the U.S. again carrying The Weight.
Part and parcel to how it all unfolded had to do with certain ambiguous positions by the two nations coupled with the American public not totally informed of the agreement. The situation was quite different in Japan. (09 March 2025)


Ukraine: The Art of the (Peace) Deal
Nations are big on treaties, enforcing them is another matter. This paper traces some of the more recent, failed and otherwise, then takes a close look at one of the most controversial in history, The Versailles Treaty at the end of World War One. (09 March 2025)

Ukraine and The Rubio Doctrine The purpose of this report is to test the secretary’s three core principles against the Ukraine conflict to see if they are viable and would have been if he became president in the 2015 election. (09 March 2025)

Ukraine Betrayed: American Robber Barons to Steal Rare Minerals
Ukraine possesses significant reserves of rare earth minerals and other critical raw materials that are essential for modern technology and industry. According to reports, Ukraine has deposits of 22 out of 34 minerals identified as critical by the European Union. (09 March 2025)


Space Station Freedom 1993: The “Fiscal Black Hole"

Space Station Freedom was a NASA-led initiative proposed in the 1980s aimed at creating a permanently crewed space station in low Earth orbit. The project was initially announced by President Ronald Reagan in his 1984 State of the Union Address, highlighting its potential as a platform for scientific research and international collaboration in space exploration. (09 March 2025)