Saturday, March 28, 2020



     "...evidence related to some "germ-warfare" source-zero has been refuted .."

     (The Scullery)--Characterized as a "war," the virus COVID-19 has swept across the United States and created historic economic and health crises. The President has enacted several emergency powers to insure a supply of personnel to meet the physical demands of containment. Through a series of recently issued orders, the President has ordered the recall of up to one million reservists from all branches of the US military to active duty:

EO to Order the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty | The White House

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), and in furtherance of Proclamation 9994 of March 13, 2020 (Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak), which declared a national emergency ...

Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak

Start Printed Page 15337 Proclamation 9994 of March 13, 2020 A Proclamation In December 2019, a novel (new) coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2 ("the virus") was first detected in Wuhan, Hubei Province, People's Republic of China, causing outbreaks of the coronavirus disease COVID-19 that has now spread globally.

     Authority is muddled in a quagmire of definitions and US code titles that give the executive the ability to bypass Congressional approval for sending troops into harm's way without a formal declaration of war. In direct contrast to state requirements for shelter-in-place, the executive reservist callup places even more young women and men into life threatening positions as they are forced to perform duties they have been relieved of doing because of their completed commitment to service.

    Vague definitions as to where the right to execute the callup are found throughout. The callup is based on Proclamation 9994 issued by the White House on 13 March and cites a number of various codes and sections centered around Section 12302 of Title 10, USC. That particular section becomes bogged down in amendments related to terrorist attacks and eventually leads to definitions found in Title 50, Chapter 40, Section 2303;
     "(1)  The term “weapon of mass destruction” means any weapon or device that is intended, or has the capability, to cause death or serious bodily injury to a significant number of people through the release, dissemination, or impact of—
(A )  toxic or poisonous chemicals or their precursors;
(B)  a disease organism; or
(C)   radiation or radioactivity." (definitions)

     Even though subparagraph (B) refers to "a disease organism," it is clear it is in context with a weapon of mass destruction (WMD). In other words, the callup is based on a WMD clause even though there is no proof that the COVID-19 virus is directly linked to a bona-fide WMD origin. In fact, all of the evidence related to some "germ-warfare" source-zero has been refuted as conspiracy theory with the latest theories still directed at a Wuhan fish market.
     The President may have authority to arbitrarily enact an executive order to declare a national emergency but with limitations placed on it for the recall of reservists under the Ready Reserve clauses of the US Code. That may require Congressional approval on a formal declaration of war.

Title 10, Section 12302
Coast Guard,




     "...and should stick to stories about snowboarding and Tahoe …"

     (The Lab)-- Folllowing  info related to interview request, CEO, Hamilton Medical, Reno, NV for JOUR107.1001 Lab#$008:  Internet search shows that reporter from the Reno Gazette-Journal had interviewed the CEO, Robert Hamilton, some days prior. The interview can be found below as well as a list of questions with review of the questions fielded to the CEO.

Reno is home to one of the world's largest ventilator companies. We talked with its CEO about COVID-19

CLOSE A Hamilton ventilator. The machines are built in Switzerland and distributed from Reno, Nev. (Photo: Hamilton Medical press photo) The COVID19 pandemic spreading across the U.S. and the world has prompted unprecedented demand for medical supplies, including ventilators.

Reno Gazette Journal interview questions:

What part of your operations are based in Reno?
Any problems getting parts or supplies?
Any problems protecting the workforce so they can stay healthy and keep going?
Some car companies, Tesla and GM, have said "we can make (ventilators)"; is it as easy as it looks?
How could partnering with a big car companies help in any way?
How could governments help?
What does (a ventilator) cost?
And for COVID specifically you need a more advanced ventilator?
So non-invasive ventilation isn't going to work?
How many ventilators are out there, and how many you think will be needed by a certain time?
And how many are you cranking out into the U.S.?
That would be in the U.S.?
Do you have any sense of how many we should have based on population?
How important is flattening the pandemic curve and slowing the spread of the virus? We can't just rely on more ventilators to bail us out, right?
What are the limitations on dramatically increasing the output?
Once a hospital gets ventilators, are they pretty durable?
Are costs going to change due to all this demand?
You're a Nevadan, how do you think this has been handled in Nevada?
Any lessons learned we can apply to next time to be better prepared?

RGJ Reporter:
Benjamin Spillman covers the outdoors and environment in Northern Nevada, from backcountry skiing in the Sierra to the latest from Lake Tahoe's ecosystem.

     Many of these questions should not have been directed at the CEO as they are not relevant to his organization, or at least could have been researched:
     Question related to # of ventilators should not have been fielded since it is unrelated to the CEOs responsibility and could have been found by searching the web. Unprofessional is using the word "cranking" out with reference to production and # total based on population is also beyond info the CEO is responsible for giving. In general, most of the inquiries shows a lack of research by the reporter who had hoped to get up to speed by asking questions the level of which the CEO would not be responsible for providing an answer. Spillman, the reporter, "covers the outdoors and environment" and should stick to stories about snowboarding and Tahoe as he appears unqualified to do medical reports.

Hamilton Medical worldwide

Hamilton Medical in the USA is a dynamic organization with a dedicated team of service, application and sales specialists. Our team almost exclusively consists of Respiratory Therapists who know the challenges of the customers and the importance of service quality. We are passionate about bringing you the best possible service.

Note for JL to connect w/HamiltonCEO@LinkedIn:  28 March 2020

Mr. Hamilton,
I am a Journalism student at UNR doing a feature story on ventilators for the COVID-19 pandemic.  I request a brief phone interview in order to provide up to date information regarding the ventilator from the source that manufactures them.  James L'Angelle


RGJ Interview
LVRJ Story


Friday, March 27, 2020



Jour107.1001 Lab//James L’Angelle//University of Nevada, Reno//Spring2020

A Breath of Fresh Air

     Hamilton Medical of Reno, Nevada is one of the leading suppliers of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) ventilators for hospitals. In the news today, President Trump used his authority under the Defense Production Act of 1950 to order General Motors to manufacture hospital ventilators. (Ars Technica) An opportunity is available to get the inside story from Hamilton Medical on their products from its warehouse on Aircenter Circle in Reno.

     A call placed through to the company this afternoon was answered by the operator who informed me that they were “way too busy” to do any interviews at the moment and have been instructed to deny reporters access to their facility. However, a search of LinkedIn shows that there are a great number of personnel available with accounts at that website who may be contacted through establishing a connection.
     Groundwork for a possible contact with sales or training personnel would be the first step followed up by direct connection and email requests, bypassing the chain-of-command protocol under the no interview blackout. Currently, the LinkedIn pages indicate a wide variety of sources to select from upper level management including CPAs to plant engineers, many of whom are directly accessible in the Reno area.
     Today’s briefing by President Trump  at the White House was meant to inform the public of the rescue legislation he just signed into law, instead he was bombarded with questions from the press on ventilators. In addition, when the President called the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, who had just contracted the virus, the first thing the PM asked for was ventilators. (ABC Live) 
     With the exponential rise in confirmed COVID-19 cases, the key to survival lies in that particular mechanical device, where a major manufacturer of the product is located in The Biggest Little City. In addition, I have subscribed to the two newsletters provided by the company, the Intelligent Ventilation Newsletter and the Hamilton Medical News.

Questions for the Interview:
How has demand increased with the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 virus?
Is there a particular model more suited for this virus as opposed to a normal ICU case?
Is there adequate personnel in the workforce to meet the requirements of demand?
Does Hamilton have control on where the devices are being distributed or is this under the direction of the federal government? (ref to DPA 1950)

Hamilton Medical, 4655 Aircenter Circle, Reno, NV 89502 (775) 858-3200

'On-the-job emergency training': Hospitals may run low on staff to run ventilators for coronavirus patients

As the coronavirus threatens the nation's health care system, hospitals are seeking tens of thousands of ventilators to help patients breathe as the disease attacks their lungs. But someone needs to operate those breathing machines. And there aren't enough specially trained personnel, health care experts and reports warn.

Hamilton Medical,
GM Ventilators,
Sources (cont.)
Hamilton Medical @ LinkedIn,




     "...USNS Lorenzen was recently at the Yokohama port in Japan,.." 

     (The Galley)--Now it appears location of at least two US Navy ships that could clearly be seen on Marine Traffic 24 hours ago are no longer visible on the Live Map page. However, a search by name does show the two vessels, reported yesterday in the below post, to still be moored in the harbor.


IMMEDREL///NAVCOMPAC//CD@TACNET//VIA//CMD/COC//JC//URGENT "...two other US Navy vessels are in the same harbor..." (The Galley)--Operational but the crew down with the virus, the USS Theodore Roosevelt put into port in Guam and is expected to stay at anchor for awhile until the entire crew has been tested; The Navy says an outbreak of coronavirus aboard an aircraft carrier in the Pacific has forced it to divert to Guam, where all 5,000 aboard will undergo testing.

     Independent search of the two vessels, the USNS Lorenzen and USNS Rappahannock, result in their still appearing to be moored in the harbor The two ships moored yesterday have somehow mysteriously disappeared from the satellite positioning system or their tracking devices were deliberately turned off to escape detection.
    With concern is the particular vessel, the USNS Howard O. Lorenzen, IMO 9416680, classified as "auxiliary" but from its appearance may well be an intelligence ship. Note also the USNS Lorenzen was recently at the Yokohama port in Japan, the same location as the ill fated "germ boat" cruise ship the Diamond Princess.

MT Live Map,
USNS Lorenzen,
USNS Rappahannock,


Thursday, March 26, 2020



     "...two other US Navy vessels are in the same harbor..."

     (The Galley)--Operational but the crew down with the virus, the USS Theodore Roosevelt put into port in Guam and is expected to stay at anchor for awhile until the entire crew has been tested;

Coronavirus outbreak diverts Navy aircraft carrier to Guam, all 5,000 aboard to be tested

The Navy says an outbreak of coronavirus aboard an aircraft carrier in the Pacific has forced it to divert to Guam, where all 5,000 aboard will undergo testing. The USS Theodore Roosevelt remains "operationally capable," according to the acting secretary of the Navy, Thomas Modly.

     Although the exact location of the aircraft carrier cannot be confirmed, it is a safe bet that its at the main port in Apra Harbor. The Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. Mike Gilday, released a statement at the official; US Navy website today;
     "USS Theodore Roosevelt is in Guam on a previously-scheduled port visit. The resources at our naval medical facilities in Guam will allow us to more effectively test, isolate, and if necessary treat Sailors.  We expect additional positive tests, and those Sailors who test positive will be transported to the U.S. Naval Hospital Guam for further evaluation and treatment as necessary. During the port visit, base access will be limited to the pier for Roosevelt's Sailors.  No base or regional personnel will access the pier." (

     The aircraft carrier isn't the only navy frontline ship currently in the harbor. A search at Marine Traffic shows a number of other ones including the USNS Howard Lorenzen, Naval Auxiliary Vessel, IMO 9416680 and the USNS Rappahannock, Replenishment Vessel, IMO 8822466. Note from the information provided at Marine Traffic, the Lorenzen was recently in Yokohama, Japan, site of the infamous cruise ship the Diamond Princess quarantine that began in February.

     It is unclear if the Lorenzen was in the same harbor as the Diamond Princess or whether any of the crew of it has been tested for the virus. The fact that at least two other US Navy vessels are in the same harbor at Navy Base Guam might lead to unwarranted speculation that there may be cases onboard that are going unreported out of an abundance of caution. The fact that US forces appear to be in a stand down mode elsewhere across the globe has raised security concerns in the media that negative information regarding the US military might work to the advantage of enemies. (ABC)

Coronavirus: Virus-stricken Diamond Princess leaves Yokohama

YOKOHAMA, JAPAN (AFP) - The Diamond Princess, a coronavirus-hit cruise ship off Japan that saw 712 passengers and crew contracting the disease with 10 deaths, left its moorings in Yokohama on Wednesday (March 25), a city official said.. Read more at

Naval Base Guam,
Adm. Gilday,
Ships in Harbor, ,
Troop Freeze,


Wednesday, March 25, 2020



     "...if the virus in The Big Easy is minutely different than in The Big Apple..."

     (CMD/COC)--Following today's briefing from the White House, ABCs George Stephanopoulos was briefed by Rebecca Jarvis who mentioned that hospital admissions appeared to be dropping in New York City and suggested that it might be due to capacity. In the meantime, the next front may open in the south, with New Orleans showing the latest trend for exponential growth.

     Again, the graph at the governor's office appears similar to that of New York City but with some minor age adjustments. Note, for instance, the rather even distribution across the board for cases confirmed (in yellow). Casualties, as in the NYC stats, show the elderly with the highest rate of attrition (in red) but again, there may also be the "underlying illness" coefficient at work where contributing factors include diabetes, asthma, lung and heart disease, to name a few. Thus, it is premature to attribute all the deaths to the COVID-19 virus alone and would have to be at the discretion of the medical officer to make the call.

      One of the deviations from the NYC stats is with reference to gender, where male-female casualty ratio is nearly two to one. In Louisiana, however, the stats clearly show just the opposite, where female over male death rate shows about 60 over 40 percent. Whether this represents a different strain of the virus or not might be a hint of just how accurate the testing method is in determination the makeup of the virus and whether it is a variant or mutation. That is also indicated by the confirmed case distribution from the graph above.
    The actual test kit capability to detect separate strains if the virus in The Big Easy is minutely different than The Big Apple  may come into question when more data is available, which, unfortunately, means more confirmed infections and casualties.
     The process of detecting a mutating strain of the virus is not as straightforward as expected, as noted by Julianna Lemieux, PhD, in her Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News article from January;
     "Hong Li, PhD, department head of reagent services, R&D department, at GenScript—a company with headquarters in both China and the United States—told GEN that their kit tests for the presence of four multiple nCoV-2019 genes: the O, R, N, and E gene. Typical of RNA viruses, coronaviruses mutate frequently. Detecting multiple genes simultaneously reduces the risk of missing detection that could occur with genomic variation. In addition, Li noted that they can detect the virus at a very early stage." (GenEng)
Whether the test kits currently being used in New Orleans are the same as those used in New York might explain the different results in age-gender confirmed cases, even if the death rates among the elderly appear to be in agreement.

Further Reading-

Louisiana coronavirus cases spike by 407; number, rate of hospitalized patients also up

Louisiana's diagnosed cases of the new coronavirus climbed by another 407 to a total of 1,795 on Wednesday as test results continued to pour in by the thousands and parishes outside of the New Orleans area began to see sharp increases along with the city.

Stat Charts, 
NYC Stats,




"...It is unclear if (Dezann) Romain had any underlying health conditions..." 

     (CMD/COC)--The East Coast center of the virus pandemic is currently New York City, where strict no-activity rules are in place. The governor has been vocal in is efforts to secure the necessary vital medical supplies in order to head off the rising cases and deaths reported from Manhattan as well as the outlying boroughs.

The Official Website of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

The official website of the 56th Governor of New York State, Andrew M. Cuomo. Find information about the administration, issues, & news that affects you.

    Do the stats justify the governor's concern. Released on a daily basis at NYC Health are the latest numbers related to who has what and who died from it.

The stats are broken down into greater New York City areas by age, gender and what are called "underlying illnesses;"
     "Underlying illnesses include Diabetes, Lung Disease, Cancer, Immunodeficiency, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Asthma, Kidney Disease, and GI/Liver Disease." (NYC Health)
Some revealing aspects of the cases vs. the groups clearly illustrate the role those underlying illnesses play in the casualties.
     Note the "Age Group" cases where 18-24 represent 44 percent of the cases. However, the age groups 65 and older, while showing only 19 percent of the total cases, account for 75 percent of the casualties. This is where the so-called "underlying illness" coefficient comes into play Because of this factor,it appears that New York might be overstating its casualty count for the COVID-19 cumulative deaths.  There is no indication that the deaths are strictly related to the virus and many may have been otherwise treated as death from an underlying illness.

     It was noted, for instance, during the Wuhan outbreak, that case counts were readjusted following a different method of reporting. (WHO) There was indeed confusion due to the number of variables involved over timeline, detection, testing and reporting in general. The same may hold true for the current status quo in New York and until the air clears and more cases are reported and confirmed, especially the cause of death unrelated to another illness, then it's important to keep the NYC epidemic in perspective,

36-year-old New York City principal dies of coronavirus complications

(CBS News)-A New York City principal has died because of complications of the coronavirus, officials said. Dezann Romain, 36, is the first known public school staff member to die of the virus. Romain worked at Brooklyn Democracy Academy, a transfer high school for overage or under-credited students.

     A case in point is the most recent casualty as reported by WIVB-TV4, where the following statement was made in the article;
     "It is unclear if (Dezann) Romain had any underlying health conditions. She is one of 125 New York City residents to die of COVID-19." (WIVB)
It needs to be clarified, Dezann was 36 years old.

NYC Health,
Wuhan outbreak,


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

CORONAVIRUS--The Texas Lieutenant Governor--& STATE SUICIDE RATES


     "Who's on the bottom with the least suicides? …. New York..." 

     (CMD/COC)--The trend to single out particular groups of society continues. Initial racial insults were hurled at Asians for being responsible for the virus pandemic sweeping the globe. The Chinese government was accused of mismanagement and germ warfare. By the time the virus had spread to the Western world, politicians set the tone by infighting until at last, it became so serious they have been reluctantly forced to work together. All of that was forgotten in a heartbeat when the Texas lieutenant governor came out and suggested that senior citizens pay the price to unlock the economy.

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick suggests the elderly should risk their lives to save the economy

As the coronavirus continues to spread in the United States, forcing people to stay in their homes and causing an economic downturn, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick joined Tucker Carlson Tonight where he became a top-trending topic by suggesting we get back to our normal lives to save the economy even at great risk to the country's senior citizens.

     According to the Americas Health Rankings, the current rate among the elderly is already shocking;
     "Suicide rates are particularly high among older men, with men aged 75 and older having the highest suicide rate of any group in the nation, at 39.7 deaths per 100,000 adults compared to women aged 75 and older who have a suicide rate of 4.0 per 100,000 adults in 2017." (AHR)

     AHR also reported there were just under 50K suicides in America in 2017. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) reports on how the elderly suicide rate compares overall,
     "Although suicide attempts (SA) are more frequent among adolescents and young adults, older men and women show the highest suicide rate in almost all countries, reaching 48.7/100,000 in the USA for white men (more than four times the nation’s age-adjusted rate of 11.1/100,000)" (NCBI)
The Texas lieutenant governor apparently had not taken into consideration the plight of senior citizens in America that already exists before making his age-discriminatory statement on national television. San Antonio's Mayor Rin Nirenberg responded immediately, as reported by WOAI-TV;
     "“It’s easy for someone of power and privilege to say something so callous,” Nirenberg  said. "What Dan Patrick is coming to learn is something that most Americans have known for a long time. Which is, a single health event can become catastrophic." (WOAI)

     The Lt. Gov's own son all but trashed the idea as reported by Gabrielle Banks in The Houston Chronicle;
     "While Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick became the public face of the 'let’s get back to work' contingent during the coronavirus pandemic, his son Ryan K. Patrick, U.S. Attorney in the Houston region, has asked his staff handling one of the busiest criminal dockets in the country to work from home and prioritize safety." (Chronicle)
Perhaps the most interesting statist is given by World Population Review in its chart of state-by-state suicides. Not everyone in Texas agrees with the lieutenant governor  as the state is tenth from the bottom with the least amount of self-sacrifice. Who's on the bottom with the least suicides? The state with the greatest threat currently from extinction by coronavirus, New York.

Suicide Rates,
Gabrielle Banks,
World Pop Rvw stats,


Monday, March 23, 2020

CORONAVIRUS --The Levitt Exponential Decay Model-- & NATURAL SELECTION


"...Dinosaurs had their shot and nature selected them for extinction..."    

(MSG/CTR)--As reported in the LA Times by Joe Mozingo, this past week, a Stanford biophysicist has correctly predicted the drop in cases and total victims of the COVID-19 virus in China. It was based not on a cumulative model, but a daily increase-decrease in detected cases;
     "Although the number of daily deaths had increased, the rate of that increase had begun to ease off. In his view, the fact that new cases were being identified at a slower rate was more telling than the number of new cases itself. It was an early sign that the trajectory of the outbreak had shifted." (LA Times)
     The discovery of the slowdown led eventually to a dropoff of new cases completely in Hubei, and as Ari Libsker reports further in the Calcalist, on Levitt's observations;
     "Levitt compared the situation to bank interest—if on the first day a person receives an interest rate of 30% on their savings, the next day of 29%, and so forth, 'you understand that eventually, you will not earn very much..' ”  (Calcalist)

Michael Levitt Analysis: Corona Is Slowing Down, Humanity Will Survive

Interview Nobel laureate Michael Levitt, an American-British-Israeli biophysicist who teaches structural biology at Stanford University and spends much of his time in Tel Aviv, unexpectedly became a household name in China, offering the public reassurance during the peak of the country's coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak.

     What is missing from both of the articles is the background of the Nobel prize winner, Levitt is a biochemist. He isn't a statistician nor a mathematician even though he appears to have a solid grasp of how exponents work. But there's more to the theory than just graphs dropping off when they reach a certain limit. The gradual demise of the virus might be related to a radioactive decay process so that even while it is growing at a staggering pace worldwide, it is also rapidly disintegrating over time.
Even more inherent in the lifespan of the virus might be another process beyond the professional grasp of the biochemist, it's called Natural Selection.
     Some organisms are endowed with the capability to live a very long time, others only briefly, no matter how rapidly they expand in numbers. The range of longevity extends from just a few days as in the case of the mayfly that might live longer than a day to a queen termite that lives 50 years. (Zoo Portraits) Currently, the greatest number of deaths for the deadly pandemic virus is out of Italy, a country that also records one of the largest number of humans living 100 years and more.
     Studies have been done to illustrate how long the new virus can survive on a surface before someone comes into contact with it. (Science Alert) But "longevity" and "survival" are two different things. Studies on survival of a virus focus on presence in the environment, whether it can even be defined as a living organism and how long it can continue to exist inside the human body. Other studies are similar in one way or another to the Levitt Decay Model, but are dependent on mathematical elements such as statistical surveys, coefficients of the variables, and ultimately, the use of an exponential model to predict the outcome. None of it is based on the unique "irrational" model offered by the environment itself, that of Natural Selection.

Relevant here is what has been famously called the "Jurassic Park: Lunch Debate Scene" where Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) argues with scientist-creator John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) of the dinosaur park that he is a kid who's found his Dad's gun:

HAMMOND  "If I was to create a flock of condors on this island, you wouldn't have anything to say..."
"Now hold on,  this isn't some species that was obliterated by deforestation, or the building of a dam. Dinosaurs had their shot and nature selected them for extinction. " (Jurassic Park, 1993)

     A theory of exponential decay arrived at by observing the rate of increase-decrease of cases of viral spread in a given environment, controlled or otherwise, like the equation on which is based, is speculation, synthetic, inductive.  Anything might cause a reversal in the decline of confirmed cases. Certainly induction is the scientific method employed in most theoretical models based on observation but it only accounts for the result, not the cause.
     Malcolm's argument is analytical, he bases it on wholly unforeseen and misunderstood force of the real world we have come to know as "natural selection." Built into the model that Dr. Malcolm presents to Hammond is one of longevity and some force where nature decides, or has already ordained, how long the species will exist on the planet. Species entails life form, a virus borders on the precipice of the living and is thus exposed to the forces that rule its existence, namely, longevity.
     From an analytic standpoint, the virus could only exist for a given length of time before some totally unexplained force, observed through exponential decay, would cause its destruction, that force is natural selection. COVID-19 has a limit of longevity and much like the exponential model that predicts it, can only expand to a certain point before the expansion deteriorates, bringing about the ultimate demise of the virus. From an evolutionary-anthropological viewpoint, it simply withers away, lingering but doomed to its predetermined lifespan on the planet.


Zoo Portraits,
Science Alert,
Jurassic Park: Lunch Debate Scene,
Dr, Levitt,,


Sunday, March 22, 2020



IMMEDIATE RELEASE//@CDTACNET//FMFBT//CMDMSGCTR//URGENT "...'drafting' physicians in the event they are needed in the seriously inflicted areas ..." (CMD/COC)--Comparison of two maps indicates availability of Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) in at least two counties where the virus has yet to become invasive, Lassen and Inyo.

(CMD/COC)--Comparison of two maps indicates availability of Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) in at least two counties where the virus has yet to become invasive, Lassen and Inyo. The first map shows the PCP availability statewide and is from the California Health care Foundation, the second, updated 22 March from the Los Angeles Times.


Checkpoint Charlie: NATO, Article 5 and the Berlin Wall

There was no North American Treaty Organization, NATO, immediately following the close of World War Two. By the close of the decade, due to pressure from the Soviet Union, particularly in Germany, the alliance was formed with 12 initial members. The concept of “collective security” had been around for over 30 years, at least on the Continent, with respect to the World War One League of Nations; neither the United States nor the Soviet Union were members. (09 March 2025)
Red Flag: The U.S.-Japan Security Pact of 1960
The recent statement by the White House concerning a “bilateral” treaty between the United States and Japan from 1960 raised the issue of the former’s lack of a security-military commitment, with the latter doing the heavy lifting. It comes as no surprise in light of other treaties such as NATO in Europe with the U.S. again carrying The Weight.
Part and parcel to how it all unfolded had to do with certain ambiguous positions by the two nations coupled with the American public not totally informed of the agreement. The situation was quite different in Japan. (09 March 2025)


Ukraine: The Art of the (Peace) Deal
Nations are big on treaties, enforcing them is another matter. This paper traces some of the more recent, failed and otherwise, then takes a close look at one of the most controversial in history, The Versailles Treaty at the end of World War One. (09 March 2025)

Ukraine and The Rubio Doctrine The purpose of this report is to test the secretary’s three core principles against the Ukraine conflict to see if they are viable and would have been if he became president in the 2015 election. (09 March 2025)

Ukraine Betrayed: American Robber Barons to Steal Rare Minerals
Ukraine possesses significant reserves of rare earth minerals and other critical raw materials that are essential for modern technology and industry. According to reports, Ukraine has deposits of 22 out of 34 minerals identified as critical by the European Union. (09 March 2025)


Space Station Freedom 1993: The “Fiscal Black Hole"

Space Station Freedom was a NASA-led initiative proposed in the 1980s aimed at creating a permanently crewed space station in low Earth orbit. The project was initially announced by President Ronald Reagan in his 1984 State of the Union Address, highlighting its potential as a platform for scientific research and international collaboration in space exploration. (09 March 2025)