Tuesday, July 9, 2019

JOUR304.3001--Conway, Congress and the Catfight--ETYMOLOGY OF SEXIST LANGUAGE

James L'Angelle
Univ of Nevada, Reno
Dr. Paromita Pain
10 July 2019

LATEST :  JOUR304.3001-- Capitulation, Segregation, Marginalization--THE NEO-DIXIECRATS VS THE "SQUAD" OF COLOR


     (This Just In)  White House adviser KA Conway has stepped into the ring as referee in the floor fight between the Speaker and The Squad;
“Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called Kellyanne Conway "sexist" for saying the New York Democrat's feud with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was a "catfight."  (Washington Examiner)

   The term with reference to political infighting has some history that can be traced at least to 1873 when US Grant nominated George H. Williams to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. (Offbeat Oregon) However, his wife became a problem.

     On 31 December 1873, the Democrat and Chronicle of Rochester, NY had this to say about Kate’s extreme unpopularity with her social network:

“...the post of honor at table. But, in spite of all doubts that the parties in interest keep alive in the general discussion of this momentous nonsense, the majority agree that the rank runs smoothly down to the fourth degree in the social house that Jack built: the president, the chief-justice, the vice-president and " Mr. Speaker. " Beyond this, society is in a catfight, and every once in a while a feminine paw reaches over into the domains of the four, and calls forth spiteful spittings that are terrible to hear. (Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, 31 Dec 1873)

     Wrapup: Brett Arends had his own take on Marketwatch concerning the feud, but was directed at the battleground, not the participants;

Mr. Arends putdown of Twitter is patently false. Anyone who has attended recent college level journalism classes, and received credit for them, will see how completely wrong his argument is, no matter its relevance to him or to the “Fourth Lady,” Nancy Pelosi. The Squad knows its value in spite of those from the old school who don’t.

Works Cited:

Rank, Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, 31 December, 1873, Page 2.
Arends, B., Twitter, https://www.marketwatch.com/story/nancy-pelosi-is-absolutely-right-about-twitter-2019-07-09

THIS JUST IN:  Current analytics of the Facebook promote of this blog post (07/10/2019/2000hrs)


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