Friday, February 2, 2024

ENGR 400.1001--Why Alternative Energy and Fuels?--U. OF NEVADA, RENO, SPRING '24

Christopher A. Simon (2020), Alternative Energy, 2nd Edition, Rowman and Littlefield, MD

Chapter One: Provide three examples answering the chapter’s question “Why alternative energy and fuels?” You must include a rationale for each example explaining why it answers the question. 

 Climate change, climate change, climate change.. 

      The chapter depends a great deal on the concept of “postmaterialism.” Having read the summary before the actual text of the chapter, the concept of a “wicked problem” also emerged. In the summary, the author defines it as “a need for timely action in the context of high levels of information uncertainty.” (Simon, 27) Where the actual level of uncertainty lies needs to be addressed by what’s discussed in the chapter itself.      

     Linking energy needs to a social worldview where a culture has reached a level of confidence in its ability to sustain itself may be misleading. There is no guarantee whatsoever, nor has there been any proof at all, conservation will provide a necessary margin of safety so that the culture can go beyond its current limits imposed by demand, restricted by supply, and impact on the environment. If demand is exponential and supply geometric, a Malthusian disparity, then no amount of offsetting by sources, renewable or otherwise, will balance both sides of the equation. In fact, the author lists a number of legislative measures undertaken by a number of administrations since awareness began on climate change; all of which have not altered the demand-supply equation no matter how many alternate sources have been employed. 

      In addition, when another form of renewable energy is developed, the fossil fuel lobby responds by employing newer methods to increase supply, such as fracking. There is no direct one-to-one correspondence where the renewable form would have more available green resources as opposed to the immediate benefit, part of which is profit based, provided by fracking. This also does not take into account offshore development. The author mentions President Nixon’s groundbreaking legislation, but overlooks the 55 MPH speed limit imposed to offset the 1973 OPEC oil embargo. The author mentions Alaska and the Arctic but skims over the Gulf of Mexico, where new permits for drilling are approved and rescinded depending on the whims of administrations pressured by the Green lobby. 

      The question remains: “Why alternative energy and fuels?” 

      Beginning not with alternative choices but for fossil fuels and how and where they are acquired, might eventually lead to how dependence on them can be reduced. The author details the difficulty in OPEC dependence (Simon, 22), particularly on its ability to control the flow of oil. It would then become an objective to maintain a steady enough supply of oil, promote conservation, stabilize the reserves as a backup, then develop all the alternative energy resources to meet demand. In other words, delinking dependence on fossil fuels from alternative energy capability is the first step. No matter what the postmaterialist philosophy might preach, the reality of demand will always outweigh idealism. Delinking would include reducing dependence on an organization such as OPEC for a fossil fuel source. 

      Returning to the “wicked problem” expressed in the summary, information uncertainty is rapidly being replaced by factual reality. First, global conflict has increased to the point where information uncertainty is fast being replaced by uncertainty. OPEC dependency is part of the obsolete paradigm where Western Hemisphere sources can offset the demand, such as Venezuela and the Gulf of Mexico. Both of those are in and out of limbo depending on the administration. Summarizing, three reasons why alternative and renewable sources for energy are necessary: overdependence on fossil fuels, international political uncertainty and the climate. 

Speed Limit 55, Is It Achievable? 
Christopher A. Simon (2020), Alternative Energy, 2nd Edition, Rowman and Littlefield, MD
55 MPH speed limit image:


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