
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

EARLY AMERICAN COLONIAL TRADE--Currency, Money, Credit--hudson's bay company

Exchange among Native Americans and Europeans before 1800
Ann M. Carlos, University of Colorado Boulder
Frank D. Lewis, Queen’s University
Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6, Canada


Trade: Silver, silica, copper, obsidian.
Sea shells as money out West; wampum, beads, East.
Boiled bones for pemmican,;

Baugh and
Ericson document in Prehistoric Exchange Systems in North America.

the Maritime
Peninsula, comprising the Canadian Maritime provinces and parts of Quebec, New York, and
New England,

Exchange: broad based, focused--
Sedentary horticulturists of the Northern Plains--

Potlach--gift giving feast.

Hudsons Bay Company--the two year futures market--
The furs sold in London were exchanged in North America for trade goods that
the company had purchased at least two years earlier.