Sunday, August 4, 2019

EOC400.3011-- Rationalizing Mass Homicide--THE "TELEFON" SYNDROME & QUEEN RIHANNA

J. L'Angelle
Univ of Nevada, Reno
Fall 2019

     (The Target Range)-- Brainwashed Cold War stooges acting out assassination and sabotage across America  transformed into millennials with AK-47s, stoned on video games and out to kill at mass gatherings. At least that's what the politicians would have us think to explain random acts of domestic terror lately that seem to follow no pattern other than the casualty rate keeps climbing. There is no end to the absurd explanations given by the rank and file to account for the killings;

     " 'The idea that these video games that dehumanize individuals to have a game of shooting individuals,' continued McCarthy, 'I've always felt that it's a problem for future generations and others. We've watched studies show what it does to individuals...' " (Nicholas Wu, USA Today)
    That's Kevin McCarthy of California, a normally sane Republican who could be deflecting away from the SOP criticism of lack of gun control and the NRA as responsible. The Governor of Texas agrees with him, even if the jury is still out on whether violent video games have anything at all to do with mass homicide. (CA Anderson, APA)
     Certainly the opportunity to politicize every act of "multiple people" killed by some homicidal maniac is never lost on the Democrats either, as with 2020 presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke;
     "Again, there are still details that we are waiting on, but I'm just following the lead that I've heard from the El Paso police department where they say there are strong indications that this shooter wrote that manifesto." (Dartunorro Clark, NBC )
Pure rubbish , O'Rourke feeds on hysteria of the moment by citing the local cops without giving any specific details as to who told him that. Just another politician adding self-serving confusion to the tragedy. Using the El Paso episode as a forum for promoting his status, the candidate even goes so far as calling the President a "white nationalist." Has Beto also been a victim of the dehumanization that Kev the Repub sees as result of staring at the video game screen too long?

     Not to be left out of the outrage, Hollywood "celebs" also have no kind words for the President:
     "Needless to say, many were not happy with Trump and McConnell’s words. (Queen) Rihanna took to Instagram and directed a comment to Trump: 'Your country had 2 terrorist attacks back to back hours apart leaving almost 30 innocent people dead. ' " (Dino-Ray, Deadline)
It's quite easy for someone who has reaped all the benefits from the United States including fame and fortune, such as the bland female singer, to condemn in denial that it's not "her" country, telling the President it's his country. The best she could do is use her bland messaging network full of mindless followers to emphasize her harsh words.

Wu, N.,
Anderson, CA,
Clark, D.,
"Telefon" photo,
Ramos, DR,
"Telefon" (1977) the movie,


Checkpoint Charlie: NATO, Article 5 and the Berlin Wall

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