Tuesday, August 6, 2019

JOUR107.1001--El Paso-Dayton Blowback: Erstwhile Politician Alert---THE "DUSTBIN OF HISTORY" REPORT

J. L'Angelle
Univ of Nevada, Reno
Fall 2019

     (The Border)--Bad to worse can only describe those former political stars who have also chosen the dual home-grown strikes on El Paso and Dayton to further their forgotten political clout. Former President Barack Obama did some target shooting himself as reported by Josiah Bates in Time mag online;

     " 'Like the followers of ISIS and other foreign terrorist organizations, these [shooters] may act alone, but they’ve been radicalized by white nationalist websites that proliferate on the internet,' Obama’s statement read." (Time)
Sorry, Mr. Obama, the army that was ISIS invaded an entire Middle East nation and didn't "act alone." He was also careful not to incriminate other so-called "foreign terrorist organizations" so as not to alienate the Muslim world beyond the defunct ISIS thugs by singling out Boko Haram, Al Qaeda and the Taliban. It's another one of those craftily designed statements the ex-president has become accustomed to releasing thinking there would be no hard scrutiny of his language.
     Not to be outdone by Obama, the Clintons each acted alone in releasing statements pegged to the El Paso-Dayton double siege. Former President Bill Clinton's can be found in Marina Pitofsky's report in The Hill;

     “How many more people have to die before we reinstate the assault weapons ban & the limit on high-capacity magazines & pass universal background checks?” (Pitofsky, The Hill)
Clinton goes on to say "We must act now" but doesn't have any capacity as a lawmaker to do anything about it other than rant like all the others who are no longer official lawmakers with the capacity to ban high-capacity weapons and ammo. The article currently has 4886 shares at The Hill, for whatever it's worth.
     Former SecState Hillary Clinton, also issued a statement that can be found by Rebecca Klar at The Hill;

     "With two mass shootings in America in less than 24 hours, thoughts and prayers are not enough. We need action...The House has sent common-sense gun safety legislation to the Senate. Demand that @senatemajldr and your Republican elected officials join Democrats to pass it," (Klar, The Hill)
The headline reads "Clinton calls on McConnell" but in fact she calls on a Twitter handle to make the necessary legislation.  The article has 4156 shares, 700 below Bill's.

     If the President mistook Toledo for Dayton (Brett Samuels, The Hill), former VP Joe Biden, and leading 2020 Democratic candidate for the White House job, didn't even get the states right according to yet another The Hill report by Julia Manchester;
     "The 2020 presidential hopeful was speaking at the home of businessman Mark Arabo when he referred to 'the tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan the day before' before correcting himself, noting the shootings took place in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio." (Manchester, The Hill)
The article has just under 5600 shares and just over 340 comments.
     "According to San Diego Union-Tribune reporter Lindsay Winkley, about 75 people attended the event, which was held at a private residence in the Del Cerro neighborhood of San Diego. Winkley, who was a pool reporter at the event, told us she personally heard Biden make the gaffe. It came during a speech in which he vowed to ban assault-style firearms if elected president in 2020." (Snopes)

Works Cited
Bates, J., Obama, https://time.com/5644593/obama-statement-mass-shootings-texas-dayton/
Pitofsky, M., Bill, https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/456257-bill-clinton-calls-for-reinstatement-of-assault-weapons-ban-how
Klar, R., Hillary, https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/456122-hillary-clinton-calls-on-mcconnell-gop-to-help-democrats-pass-gun-safety-bill
Samuels, B., Toledo, https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/456179-trump-mistakenly-refers-to-shooting-in-toledo
Manchester, J., Biden, https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/456160-biden-misstates-location-of-mass-shootings-before-correcting-himself
Gaffe, https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-houston-and-michigan/
Obama photo, Quartz
Bill Clinton photo, The American Conservative
Hillary photo, The Daily Caller
Biden photo, NY Post


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