Saturday, March 28, 2020



     "...evidence related to some "germ-warfare" source-zero has been refuted .."

     (The Scullery)--Characterized as a "war," the virus COVID-19 has swept across the United States and created historic economic and health crises. The President has enacted several emergency powers to insure a supply of personnel to meet the physical demands of containment. Through a series of recently issued orders, the President has ordered the recall of up to one million reservists from all branches of the US military to active duty:

EO to Order the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty | The White House

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), and in furtherance of Proclamation 9994 of March 13, 2020 (Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak), which declared a national emergency ...

Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak

Start Printed Page 15337 Proclamation 9994 of March 13, 2020 A Proclamation In December 2019, a novel (new) coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2 ("the virus") was first detected in Wuhan, Hubei Province, People's Republic of China, causing outbreaks of the coronavirus disease COVID-19 that has now spread globally.

     Authority is muddled in a quagmire of definitions and US code titles that give the executive the ability to bypass Congressional approval for sending troops into harm's way without a formal declaration of war. In direct contrast to state requirements for shelter-in-place, the executive reservist callup places even more young women and men into life threatening positions as they are forced to perform duties they have been relieved of doing because of their completed commitment to service.

    Vague definitions as to where the right to execute the callup are found throughout. The callup is based on Proclamation 9994 issued by the White House on 13 March and cites a number of various codes and sections centered around Section 12302 of Title 10, USC. That particular section becomes bogged down in amendments related to terrorist attacks and eventually leads to definitions found in Title 50, Chapter 40, Section 2303;
     "(1)  The term “weapon of mass destruction” means any weapon or device that is intended, or has the capability, to cause death or serious bodily injury to a significant number of people through the release, dissemination, or impact of—
(A )  toxic or poisonous chemicals or their precursors;
(B)  a disease organism; or
(C)   radiation or radioactivity." (definitions)

     Even though subparagraph (B) refers to "a disease organism," it is clear it is in context with a weapon of mass destruction (WMD). In other words, the callup is based on a WMD clause even though there is no proof that the COVID-19 virus is directly linked to a bona-fide WMD origin. In fact, all of the evidence related to some "germ-warfare" source-zero has been refuted as conspiracy theory with the latest theories still directed at a Wuhan fish market.
     The President may have authority to arbitrarily enact an executive order to declare a national emergency but with limitations placed on it for the recall of reservists under the Ready Reserve clauses of the US Code. That may require Congressional approval on a formal declaration of war.

Title 10, Section 12302
Coast Guard,



Checkpoint Charlie: NATO, Article 5 and the Berlin Wall

There was no North American Treaty Organization, NATO, immediately following the close of World War Two. By the close of the decade, due to pressure from the Soviet Union, particularly in Germany, the alliance was formed with 12 initial members. The concept of “collective security” had been around for over 30 years, at least on the Continent, with respect to the World War One League of Nations; neither the United States nor the Soviet Union were members. (09 March 2025)
Red Flag: The U.S.-Japan Security Pact of 1960
The recent statement by the White House concerning a “bilateral” treaty between the United States and Japan from 1960 raised the issue of the former’s lack of a security-military commitment, with the latter doing the heavy lifting. It comes as no surprise in light of other treaties such as NATO in Europe with the U.S. again carrying The Weight.
Part and parcel to how it all unfolded had to do with certain ambiguous positions by the two nations coupled with the American public not totally informed of the agreement. The situation was quite different in Japan. (09 March 2025)


Ukraine: The Art of the (Peace) Deal
Nations are big on treaties, enforcing them is another matter. This paper traces some of the more recent, failed and otherwise, then takes a close look at one of the most controversial in history, The Versailles Treaty at the end of World War One. (09 March 2025)

Ukraine and The Rubio Doctrine The purpose of this report is to test the secretary’s three core principles against the Ukraine conflict to see if they are viable and would have been if he became president in the 2015 election. (09 March 2025)

Ukraine Betrayed: American Robber Barons to Steal Rare Minerals
Ukraine possesses significant reserves of rare earth minerals and other critical raw materials that are essential for modern technology and industry. According to reports, Ukraine has deposits of 22 out of 34 minerals identified as critical by the European Union. (09 March 2025)


Space Station Freedom 1993: The “Fiscal Black Hole"

Space Station Freedom was a NASA-led initiative proposed in the 1980s aimed at creating a permanently crewed space station in low Earth orbit. The project was initially announced by President Ronald Reagan in his 1984 State of the Union Address, highlighting its potential as a platform for scientific research and international collaboration in space exploration. (09 March 2025)