Saturday, March 28, 2020



     "...and should stick to stories about snowboarding and Tahoe …"

     (The Lab)-- Folllowing  info related to interview request, CEO, Hamilton Medical, Reno, NV for JOUR107.1001 Lab#$008:  Internet search shows that reporter from the Reno Gazette-Journal had interviewed the CEO, Robert Hamilton, some days prior. The interview can be found below as well as a list of questions with review of the questions fielded to the CEO.

Reno is home to one of the world's largest ventilator companies. We talked with its CEO about COVID-19

CLOSE A Hamilton ventilator. The machines are built in Switzerland and distributed from Reno, Nev. (Photo: Hamilton Medical press photo) The COVID19 pandemic spreading across the U.S. and the world has prompted unprecedented demand for medical supplies, including ventilators.

Reno Gazette Journal interview questions:

What part of your operations are based in Reno?
Any problems getting parts or supplies?
Any problems protecting the workforce so they can stay healthy and keep going?
Some car companies, Tesla and GM, have said "we can make (ventilators)"; is it as easy as it looks?
How could partnering with a big car companies help in any way?
How could governments help?
What does (a ventilator) cost?
And for COVID specifically you need a more advanced ventilator?
So non-invasive ventilation isn't going to work?
How many ventilators are out there, and how many you think will be needed by a certain time?
And how many are you cranking out into the U.S.?
That would be in the U.S.?
Do you have any sense of how many we should have based on population?
How important is flattening the pandemic curve and slowing the spread of the virus? We can't just rely on more ventilators to bail us out, right?
What are the limitations on dramatically increasing the output?
Once a hospital gets ventilators, are they pretty durable?
Are costs going to change due to all this demand?
You're a Nevadan, how do you think this has been handled in Nevada?
Any lessons learned we can apply to next time to be better prepared?

RGJ Reporter:
Benjamin Spillman covers the outdoors and environment in Northern Nevada, from backcountry skiing in the Sierra to the latest from Lake Tahoe's ecosystem.

     Many of these questions should not have been directed at the CEO as they are not relevant to his organization, or at least could have been researched:
     Question related to # of ventilators should not have been fielded since it is unrelated to the CEOs responsibility and could have been found by searching the web. Unprofessional is using the word "cranking" out with reference to production and # total based on population is also beyond info the CEO is responsible for giving. In general, most of the inquiries shows a lack of research by the reporter who had hoped to get up to speed by asking questions the level of which the CEO would not be responsible for providing an answer. Spillman, the reporter, "covers the outdoors and environment" and should stick to stories about snowboarding and Tahoe as he appears unqualified to do medical reports.

Hamilton Medical worldwide

Hamilton Medical in the USA is a dynamic organization with a dedicated team of service, application and sales specialists. Our team almost exclusively consists of Respiratory Therapists who know the challenges of the customers and the importance of service quality. We are passionate about bringing you the best possible service.

Note for JL to connect w/HamiltonCEO@LinkedIn:  28 March 2020

Mr. Hamilton,
I am a Journalism student at UNR doing a feature story on ventilators for the COVID-19 pandemic.  I request a brief phone interview in order to provide up to date information regarding the ventilator from the source that manufactures them.  James L'Angelle


RGJ Interview
LVRJ Story



Checkpoint Charlie: NATO, Article 5 and the Berlin Wall

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