
Friday, December 25, 2020

COVID19, CALIFORNIA--Los Angeles Hospital Regions--EAST, SOUTH, METRO, ETC

Hospitals on this map are the ones reporting the stats for the county by various regions defined below--

.. Breakdown by LA County Hospital Regions-- http://file.lacounty.gov/SDSInter/dhs/1081882_HospitalCOVIDAssessment2020-12.pdf

Antelope Valley-Newhall (AV)    (7-9) --3 hospitals
San Fernando Valley (SF)  (10-12)  -- 16 hospitals
San Gabriel Valley (SG)  (13-15) --  13 hospitals
East Region   (16-18)  --  8 hospitals
Metro Region (19-21)  -- 11 hospitals
West Region  (22-24)  --  6 hospitals
South Region  (25-27)  -- 13 hospitals
